You may remember from a few weeks ago that I was left unattended with the internet for too many hours – it resulted in odd purchases on Amazon. One of those purchases was completely practical and necessary, which I proved to Hubster this weekend while visiting tourist sites in our area.

Lola made her public debut in the stroller.

We were in a crowded area on a very hot day and I decided heat stroke was imminent. Lola was put into her stroller and walked around like the pampered pooch that she is. Everyone was cooing at her adorable chub being squished into a stroller, and asking if they could pet her.

Lola was in her glory.

Lola sitting in her stroller

Then the moment came when someone had to ruin it by being a jerk. Unfortunately for her, I’m very quick-witted and I aim for the kill. As the lady rounded the corner, she came within a foot of Lola’s stroller. She looked. Then she whipped her head back for a second look. Then she laughed and said ‘that is so ridiculous’ with disdain dripping from her voice. My reply came within milliseconds.

So is your face, but I wasn’t going to say anything.

Judging by how hard her friends were laughing at her, this will be a story they tell for the rest of her life.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

I also tweet like a bird on Twitter @HeatherKeet

You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

63 replies on “I wasn’t going to say anything…

    1. I will never understand why people have to say rude thoughts aloud. And the stroller is definitely a lifesaver, she’s no longer forced to be miserable on the truly hot days.


  1. She IS adorable! I used to run with a running partner who had a double stroller for her 2 tiny dogs. They loved to go for a run with us, and we got a lot of comments from people we met. It was fun! #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You go girl! Haha
    Slightly silly woman!
    Someone once said I looked quite fat whilst pregnant and I immediatly came back with, “well at least I won’t always be fat whereas you, will always be stupid.” I was so proud of myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They do! Hubster was initially very against the stroller because he thinks those are for weird people… As if I’m not weird people. But he eventually realized that because we travel with our dog, we need to make accommodations as she is getting older. I would never want her to be uncomfortable while traveling with us.


    1. It is indeed a dog stroller! The front locks down so she can’t escape and people can’t grab at her. She loves it because on hot days she used to be miserable when we were traveling. We’d have to carry her around a lot.


  3. I want to steal Lola!!! She is gorgeous and really seems at home in her stroller… Contact a dog agency for modelling shoots pronto hahah! That’ll make her even more of a pampered pooch! What a cutie she is! #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great come back line – sometimes we just blurt things out but at that moment it is so appropriated. People put dogs in strollers here in South Africa too – and even the nannies take the dogs for a walk in the strollers – nothing unusual #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lola certainly looks like she is enjoying being pushed around in her stroller.

    I’ve never understood why some people feel they have the right to comment on what a complete stranger does!

    Well done with the retort. I’m one of those people who thinks of the witty reply 10 mins later.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Awwwww Lola looks so cute!!! This is such a good idea for so many reasons. We regularly see pooches in doggies prams where we are. Especially heavier breeds, or really dinky ones. The heat can really take it out of them, and having somewhere to rest, shelter in the shade and get those paws off the too hot floor is a must sometimes. LOVE your comment to that women Heather. EPIC! I’ll have to remember that one. It’s too good not to. Thanks for being a fab #dreamtream host xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great comeback but I’m not sure I’d have been brave enough to say it! Lola looks fab in her stroller: our Ollie has arthritis but I’m not sure he’d fit in a buggy! #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They have ones for dogs all the way up to 200 pounds. They are low to the ground so your dog just steps into them. It looks similar to the kid strollers that are designed to be pulled by a bicycle. My friend has a 180 pound mastiff with very bad hips and they use that for him. She said it glides very easily but going uphill is almost impossible.


  8. Love that!! I would be so proud of myself if I managed that comeback in the moment. How very rude of her!! I love the dog buggy. I might have to get a dog as when the girls stop using their buggy where am I going to put the shopping? #DreamTeam

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Why do people have to comment, if they don’t like it they should just stroll on by. And well done on your quick come back, it would have taken me at least a minute to think of something to say.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Normally I can think of an comeback very quickly, but I bite my tongue because I don’t think the world is a better place when people insult each other. However, I apparently could not bite my tongue quick enough when that lady’s condescension spilled onto me.


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