The poll is open every week on Twitter and Facebook at 6am London time (1am EST). Poll will run for 48 hours so please cast your vote and maybe even join in with the comment section!

I’ve always been a fan of salty snacks, but there is still a small craving for sweets in the back of my brain. Hubster is a huge fan of chocolate and devours any that enters the house, usually before I get a fair share of it. As a defense, I’ve begun buying candies that are not chocolate based in an effort to preserve our marriage from a snack filled doom. I’d like to know which snacks you prefer.

Head on over to Twitter or Facebook to Instagram now and cast your vote!

It's funny. It's strange. My brain thought it. Now yours caught it.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

I also tweet like a bird on Twitter @HeatherKeet

You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

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