I made a terrible, horrible, rookie mistake last night. It was awful. I’d like to preface this confession by saying that I’ve done this before and I know I’m supposed to do better…but I couldn’t help myself.

I went online and watched installation videos on The Container Store website. Specifically, I watched the videos for their custom closet shelving.

Why? Why? WHY?!?!?! I know better!

Now I’m sitting here like a cocaine addict trying to resist the urge to get in my car, drive to the nearest location, and rack up a credit card until every inch of my new home is organized perfectly.

And professionally installed since I’m banned from using power tools when there’s no one present to call 911.

Everyone who knows me knows that I will probably lose this fight. Frankly, it would be easier for me to walk away from a Twinkie than to resist having shelving systems installed. But that’s not the worst part! The worst part is still to come.

The Hubster is not home. He’s been gone forever already, I can’t remember what he looks like or sounds like. Normally, I can hear him pleading inside my head to listen to reason and walk away from the storage bins…but he’s not in there anymore. I don’t think he’ll make it home in time to stop me.

Someone bring me some bacon to distract me and if it doesn’t work, duct tape me to the floor.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

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You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

10 replies on “I’m in very big trouble…

  1. Haha I hope that you managed to resist the urge! Custom closet shelving sounds amazing, I would so love for someone to come and organise our wardrobes! And my home!! Now where’s that bacon?! #momsterslink


    1. I made it through the night! The first night is the hardest. And my friend did bring me some bacon this morning to stop me from rushing out to the store as soon as I woke up! Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel your pain! I too am a storage junkie! I buy more stuff just so that I can buy more storage solutions. I am Ikea’s dream client. I think that we may need to meet and work out a way forward. Possibly involving cake. (Ooh or bacon? Hadn’t considered that one!?)
    Really made me chuckle 🙂
    #momsterslink x


    1. I support group featuring cake AND bacon would be amazing! I wouldn’t ever need storage solutions if we had one of those groups! I am in hot debate between the Container Store’s Elfa system and a system from Ikea. I guess it will boil down to pricing and ease of installation. The Hubster will shank my face if I pick something he can’t install. Our new home has tiny closets so I need to make the very most of them. Floor to ceiling storage.

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  3. I hope you made it through. I can honestly say I have no affinity to the feeling you are experiencing. I have no strong desire to organize in any way… lol. The only thing I even think about organizing is the shelf of craft supplies for my toddlers, and that’s only because it is now within their reach and they constantly get their mitts into it- and by organize, I mean find a box so I can hide the stuff. LOL. Much luck to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve made it past the critical point! As long as I stay away from those videos, I should be OK 😜 I completely understand your wanting to box up the craft supplies for your toddlers, I ran a daycare for 13 years and specialized in infants and toddlers. Those guys get everywhere!

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    1. I have good follow-through for organization. I will stay up for days in a row because if I stop, I’ll never finish. Bacon definitely stopped me from a costly, time-consuming activity. My back deck and fence were damaged in a storm, now is not the time to spend money on the closet system! And I’ve decided that if I ever get another dog, I’m calling it bacon. Lola just gave me the biggest dirty look for even mentioning getting another dog. She’s an only child, she will never share her humans with another fuzzball.

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  4. It’s funny how we will get an idea in our head that sounds so right at the time but when putting some actual thought into it that changes. For instance I will walk around the store with something that I “think” I need until finally I convince myself that it’s just something I want and put it back. Good luck with the shelves and thanks for linking up with #momsterslink.

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