Dear Lola,

In light of the recent deluge of rain in my area, I’ve been hearing the phrase ‘raining cats and dogs’ being said by many. Where did this phrase come from and what exactly is it supposed to mean? Why cats and dogs and not horses and cows? Or bacon and eggs? Surely there is a reason for this odd statement and I’m hoping you know it.


Pet Precipitation

Dear Pet Precipitation,

A simple search of the web has led many humans to believe that the phrase can be linked all the way back to the Ancient Greeks. There are many examples of early use of the phrase, including the variations as it evolved into the saying we use today. The internet would have you believe that the phrase harkened back to the days when animals were found dead in the rain…or as a contrary statement to the normal amount of rain…or because animals would climb into gutters and be swept out in the rain…or is used simply as satire. If the Internet was just going to guess the answers, what exactly is it good for? Well, two can play that game.

I can guess the answer as well as The Google!

I think the phrase began during a particularly bleak moment in human existence. Picture a dark, grey day. Storm clouds have covered every inch of the sky, eliminating all hope of ever seeing the sun again. Crops are dying. Famine is a real threat. Miniature Humans weep as they sit indoors with no outlet to run and play. By day 26, the humans are losing their minds. In a desperate bid to lift the spirits of those around them, someone blurts out that it is raining felines and canines. Stunned silence follows. Then a soft chuckle escapes from someone in the back. A rumble of laughter spreads through the crowd, drowning out the sound of thunder outside. Before you know it, cheerful faces peer out the windows as they begin to name the raindrops as they fall.

Thus, the collapse of humanity was narrowly avoided.

As for why the phrase isn’t cows and horses or bacon and eggs, that is very simple. Cows and horses are far too heavy to fall from the sky as rain. We are trying to have a civilized society and being rational is a cornerstone to its success. It is absolutely absurd to think horses and cows could fall gracefully from the sky. That term would be better used to describe the scene of a World War II battlefield. While bacon and eggs would be a delight to have falling from the sky, it would likely lead to a stampede with a number of casualties. I can’t say this is true of everyone, but if someone yells out that bacon is falling from the sky, I am trampling over anyone I have to in order to get the prize.

You know you would do the same.


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