Sometimes I miss working with other humans. The conversation and laughter, most definitely the sharing of snacks, are things that I miss most often. It’s very hard to bake as much as I like to when there are few people to share those goodies with. As generous as my neighbor is with her snack-eating offer, at some point I’m worried she’ll demand I pay a nutritionist to fix the damage I’ve done to her body.

She has photos to prove that all her problems started when I moved in next door!

This melancholy only lasted about two minutes before my brain started listing all the perks of working from home. I’ve limited myself to six because any more than that and you’ll all quit your jobs in the middle of the work day. I need some of you to remain at your posts so that my Amazon orders will ship on time!

6 Perks of Working from Home

  • I don’t get sick when coworkers come to work claiming they are ‘perfectly fine’ because they already used all their sick days while catching up on the latest Netflix binge show.
  • I can binge on the newest Netflix shows and I won’t need to use up my sick days to do it! I can also go to a movie the very day it releases and avoid the crowds by seeing it during office hours. Then I can spoil the movie with running social media commentary about the plot twists as I am watching it. Not that I’ve ever done that…
  • I don’t have to smell the noxious fumes from a coworker who thought nothing of bringing in what smells to be a rotted diaper filled by a bowel-challenged toddler but is in fact their leftovers from dinner the night before.
  • I can wear sweatpants to work and no one will pass me over for a promotion. You can’t even get away with this in the gym profession anymore, now you must wear dressy yoga pants that cost more than my house!
  • I get as many sick days as I want. I crawl into bed with an iPhone and no one knows the difference! As far as everyone is concerned, I’m sitting at my desk in a perfectly professional outfit and utilizing my time wisely. Now where did I put that remote control for the TV?!
  • I spend my days with Lola, capturing Instagramable photos that showcase her naturally pearly canines. Sometimes we get in the car and drive around to see what’s what in our neighborhood. What’s what is code for food trucks. It can also be code for ice cream. Cake too, if I’m being honest. Now that I think about it, what’s what is code for ‘doing lots of work-related stuff’ because Hubster might read this post and I’m hoping he will only remember this last sentence.

Now that I’ve made you all sad about your work day as you think about that cute pet you left home all alone, I’m off to bake a cake and eat it all by myself.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

I also tweet like a bird on Twitter @HeatherKeet

You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

84 replies on “6 perks of working from home…

    1. Two hours?! That is rough?! Do you fight traffic or on public transit? Think I’d probably prefer transit so I could read a book at least. I used to commute in Hawai’i and to go 20 miles it took me two hours – each way. The traffic there is really bad and it’s known for its terrible traffic second only to Los Angeles. I remember getting in the car every day and wanting to weep at the amount of time I sat in there just to go to work.


    1. I do miss humans and make it a point to meet up with them on their lunch break from time to time! And I still see people in the evenings and on weekends. I am hugely social and thought I would miss the companionship more, but I find I like this a lot!


    1. I could see why you’d want to go in. I gave up the laptop so I could have a huge screen. I have an iMac and it’s a dream, much nicer than the computers Hubster gets at work.


    1. When Lola was a baby I worked out of the home for the first five months. It really made me wonder why I even thought getting the puppy was a good idea because every day we would come home to a major mess and a dog who was desperate for attention. I ended up quitting that job to prepare for our navy transfer to a new state. staying home with her was a much better puppy experience from then on out. I’ve worked from home since then and I’ve been able to play with Lola every day for more hours than she wants to play.


  1. Oh my goodness this does sound tempting! Although I think I would miss the office banter. I would like a bit of both works to be honest. There are definately some days I’d rather stay in my pjs! Great read #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe your work can arrange something if you have the type of job where you could stay at home two days a week! So many people are beginning to just ask their bosses because it ends up saving the employer money. One friend who does a schedule like that said that they moved to a smaller office because they were able to schedule people to take turns for office space so only half the staff would be there on any given day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes I have explored dropping a few hours too but unfortunately this was declined since I’m customer facing which means I need to be present at work for the 9-5 shift. I’m still going to ask again about working from home and trying to buddy up with someone do we can cover each other. You never know – it may be an option.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your thoughts on working from home. There are so many benefits. I think the one I would like most is the flexibility of your schedule. I was a teacher for 30+ years, and my life was ruled by bells!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I ran a daycare for 13 years, I know exactly what you’re talking about! Every day was the same routine and every day I knew exactly how many minutes I had left until I could do what I wanted. I find I thrive in my new situation when I can work any hours I want.


        1. Right now I am running away from spoilers for the new Jurassic World movie. I threatened the lives of all of my friends who have already seen it. I’ve also blocked those keywords on Twitter until I’ve seen it.


  4. Working from home rocks. As I type I am in a cafe in my gym gear drinking coffee and ‘working’ before treating myself to a yummy lunch. There are worse ways to spend a day. #DreamTeam

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I only to get work from home one day a week and I love it!! Not sure what it would be like if I did this full time, but as your list suggests, I think I wouldn’t want to step back into an office! #DreamTeam

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never worked in a professional office setting either, I worked in daycare. That’s why I’m glad my first “office job“ is based out of my home – I don’t think I would function very well in a formal office.


    1. Sometimes it’s hard to be productive if it isn’t a routine thing where you develop a schedule. If it’s a once in a while bonus, you end up cleaning your house because nobody’s home and you can actually get stuff done.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Working from home every day sounds amazing! Especially when it doesn’t matter what you wear and you literally have everything you could possibly need at your fingertips 🤩 the possibilities are endless! *Thinks brunch, cakes and cups of tea. Thanks for being a brilliant #dreamteam host xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I used to work from home, and I hope to again at some point in my life! I have a great work ethic, so there is no loss. You named some great perks, that last one with Lola being the best. xoxo #dreamteam xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ha! The dream – no the plan – is to “work” from home so I can actually spend the time with my daughter while she’s growing up. I say “work” because the real plan is to direct, and share what I’ve leaned. Following in the footsteps, as best I can, of RichDad – so my commodity becomes time.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I can’t tell you how much I long to be working from home. I am new to blogging and am working hard for this to become reality, but for now I slog through my 10 hour shifts and 2 hour commute time with the hopes my son doesn’t grow up too fast before I get to be that stay at home mom I’m dying to be.


    Liked by 1 person

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