This week’s poll is venturing into personal territory. I need to know how you clean yourself each day. Showers, baths, outdoor hose, ocean water, unicorn tears – I must know. Summer is rolling through and some of my friends are doing the Hawai’i thing with their kids, which apparently many people around the world find odd. Basically, you leave the kids in water all day and then at the end you just rinse them with a hose and put them to bed. Three months of no soap and very limited shampoo use – it takes me right back to my childhood.

I remember swimming in our pool for days, until the chlorine turned my hair green. It would be at this point that the bottle of shampoo would be tossed my way and I’d use it after leaving the pool. Than my parents would rinse my hair with the hose and the grass would die just a bit in that spot.

So vote now and hopefully my brain will stop asking this question and allow me to think about something else.

It's funny. It's strange. My brain thought it. Now yours caught it.

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