You need to say that title like Arnold Schwarzenegger said “it’s not a tumor” in the movie Kindergarten Cop.

We recently put up a new fence in our backyard and Lola is still having trouble adjusting to it. When we first installed it, Lola was completely intimidated by the fact that it’s taller than the previous fence, and it smelled funny. She wouldn’t get close to it. Every time she walked into the backyard to use the bathroom, Lola would stare nervously at the fence before running directly inside, as if the fence was a demon that would come to life and inhabit her furry body. I thought this paranoia would get better over time but Lola’s fear has manifested into a different beast altogether.

The Wild Bunnies of the Backyard Gang are terrified.

I let Lola go out to use the potty and the wind was blowing, rendering extra smells that accompany the new fence. It’s a cedar fence, so it smells amazing and woodsy…to a human. To a bulldog, it smells like impending death.

Lola spotted a member of the Wild Bunnies of the Backyard Gang and this was the last straw in her bulldog brain. As Lola charged the bunny, I desperately called out for her to stop. She was running so fast that there was a very real possibility she would catch this bunny and I did not want to watch the aftermath of that. To date, Lola has never killed a single living thing, including spiders found in our home. I did not want to start with a baby bunny. And to be frank, I was afraid once she got the taste of bunny blood she would become Lola the BunBun Hunter.

My calls for Lola to stop became more frantic as she closed in on the edge of the property line. And then I just held my breath and watched the show in front of me. The bunny made it underneath the fence, and it was at that moment that Lola realized she was next to her biggest foe – the villainous fence.

For the next 10 minutes I got to enjoy the site of a bulldog running the perimeter and barking at every single piece of wood that makes up our fence. Some pieces got barked at twice, because they looked more suspicious than their neighboring planks. The big dog next door added some barks of his own, which Lola used to remain steadfast in her quest to bark at all 365 feet of cedar fence line.

Lola has successfully conquered her fear of the fence, she’s conquered her fear of the bunnies, and I’m a little worried what fear she’s going to conquer next.

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Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

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