Last night I decided to indulge in a marathon of the Fast and Furious franchise. I was bored and had a ton of time on my hands. Thanks to the world’s insatiable desire to watch cars recklessly fly around roads, there were plenty of movies in the franchise to fill up my time.

Because I have lost a significant portion of my hearing in both ears, I tend to watch movies with subtitles. TV shows are a godsend because the characters usually face the cameras so I can read lips to fill in anything my ears have missed. But not in movies. And especially not in movies where the roar of an engine is overlapping everything.

I enjoyed the first movie and marveled at how young all the actors were back in the day. I hit play on the second movie and that’s when things got interesting. I got up to get a snack and figured I would hear the talking because I knew there were no loud noises coming up. After about 2 minutes of prepping my snack buffet, my brain gave up the struggle and hit the doorbell, asking if I was home.

I couldn’t understand three-quarters of what was being said.

I worried myself as I raced back to the TV (which is only 3 feet from the kitchen). I read the subtitles and kept trying to figure out why I couldn’t understand what I was hearing. I thought for sure I had hit that moment where I lost the last 30% or so of the hearing I’ve managed to hold onto. I knew those doctors were wrong! They’re always wrong! They said my hearing wouldn’t continue to decline but they’re wrong! WRONG, I TELL YOU!! I was becoming a bit hysterical as I read subtitles and ordered my brain to filter out the car noises and just focus on the talking.

Then the lightbulb moment occurred.

Somehow, my Apple tv had defaulted to Spanish. That’s right, I watched the entire first movie in Spanish and didn’t even notice.

Wow. Just wow. I’m not even sure what to do for the rest of the night now. Maybe I’ll go put on a cape and run around seeing if anyone needs me to read lips for them.

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9 replies on “I can read lips…and words…and lips…

  1. That’s hysterical. Not that you have lost most of your hearing of course but watching a movie in Spanish. I too read lips only because when I am talking face to face with someone I am always looking at their lips instead of their nose or eyes where most look. Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink and always being such a great support!

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