I move down the hall, away from the curious ears of a napping Lola. Within a minute, the sound of a water faucet fills the house. It’s a small house. Lola is instantly alert. This is not the sound of the water faucet in the Mommybeast’s bathroom – this is the sound of Lola’s tub.

Behold! It’s bath time!

Lola races into the bathroom to supervise the operation. Everything must be accounted for before Lola can jump into the tub. She has precise requirements and anything short of perfection will ruin her entire week.

√ Bubbles (should overflow out of tub)

√ Bath mitt (for fur exfoliation)

√ Squeaky toys (to be chased and squeaked as needed)

√ Towels (preferably pre-warmed in the dryer)

√ Washcloth (for emergency bubbles in eyes)

√ Rapt audience (all humans must crowd into bathroom for the experience)

√ Warm water (not too hot, not too cold, but just right)

Once the bath checklist has been verified, Lola puts her paws up onto the tub and waits for a human to lift her. Once she is midair, Lola thrashes her body in excitement and kicks until her paws hit the water.

Then the real adventure begins.

A cartoon rendering of Lola the English bulldog in a fishbowl. She's wearing a swimming cap, goggles, and a snorkel while hiding behind some seaweed. A fish stares at her.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

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You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

42 replies on “Life in the fish bowl…

  1. it’s not the bath that’s the problem for us, it’s the how to stop her wiping herself on every stick of furniture afterwards to get the smell….ahhhhh! (tho we also have to play tag around the house to get her in the bath in the first place!)

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