Today’s parts will be played by Lola, a cheeky English bulldog, and Heather, a blogger who eats too much Taco Bell and takes frequent day naps. There is also a small cameo by Hubster, the almost silent partner in this family.

Lola: Alright, tell me about the blog post. What kind of story are we writing?

Heather: No, no. There’s no story.

Lola: No story? So what is it?

Heather: What did you do today?

Lola: I wiggled my nubby at you.

Heather: There’s a blog post. That’s a blog post.

Lola: How is that a blog post?!

Hubster: Well, uh, maybe something happens after she wiggled her nubby.

Heather: No. Nothing happens.

Hubster: Well something happens.

Lola: Well why would I read it?

Heather: Because it’s on the internet.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

I also tweet like a bird on Twitter @HeatherKeet

You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much 

29 replies on “Never assume anything…

    1. Definitely inspired by my absolute favorite, Seinfeld! People are constantly asking what my blog is about and then my mouth just opens and no sound comes out because I don’t think that my blog is really about anything. But it’s also about everything. So there you go.

      Liked by 1 person

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