Last year I started a bit of a furor over my thoughts on adulthood – it seems that no matter your country, the entire story plot has been a lie. Instead of freedom and fun we got bills and responsibility. Is it too late to ask our parents to pull out the time machine and make the world an okay place again?! Check out Adulthood is… volume one.

quote - adulthood is

I don’t want to pay them. I don’t like to pay them.

quote - adulthood is

Between your waistline and your budget, two pizzas is an extravagance you can’t risk.

quote - adulthood is

Then you wake up at 2am and curse yourself. Yet you damn well know you’ll do it again!

quote - adulthood is

Then hoping your spouse plays it cool so your friends don’t know you think they’re crazy.

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

I also tweet like a bird on Twitter @HeatherKeet

You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much 

39 replies on “Adulthood is… volume 2

    1. I think they have, I think that’s why so many of them are seeking alternate methods of employment. They want to live and experience the world all while earning a paycheck. It’s about time we shook this system up!


  1. Yeah slightly depressing alright! But I like to cheat with the pizza – I order the extra large one so technically I have only ordered one pizza but the slices are huge so it’s almost like having two!! You need a couple of cheats to help you get through this adulthood lark! #dreamteam

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