I had to take this morning off to watch the inauguration and stare with dumbfounded shock at the “peaceful” protests that were being held in Washington D.C.

Here we go, my first (and hopefully only) political post ever.

Why do people who are protesting, inevitably end up smashing the property around them? The protestors on TV today were smashing up a Starbucks to announce to the world that they are unhappy with the new President because he’s going to destroy the entire world. I hear what you are saying, but smashing the Starbucks seems pretty ugly, and hypocritical, to me. Starbucks, the company who has pro LGBTQ policies and supports initiatives to improve the rights of the group. The company who supports education and has incentives in place to assist their employees with dreams of college. The company who believes in advancing the civil rights of every minority group in this country. You smashed their property to advance your own cause, without a thought to the fact that you hate Trump because he’ll smash your cause to advance his.

You cut off your nose to spite your face.

I may not have wanted Trump, and I didn’t want the Clinton option either, but this is how our country works. We vote, and then we commit to honoring the results. Just like athletes are forced to high-five their opponents after a game, we endeavor to congratulate the winners of the election. If we instead dissolve into street fights and damage property as we see fit, then we may as well admit we are no better than the countries we denounce for allowing terrorists to run amok.

So let’s pull it together people and do what we have done after every other Presidential election- work for our causes. Protest in peace, because no one listens to the petulant child smashing up windows. Work with your representatives, nominate new leaders, and trust that our system will persevere like it has since 1776.

Now, I can’t leave without having something lighthearted so I’d like to discuss another news topic that was trending today: the massive alligator in Florida. This guy, named Humpback, is over 12 feet long and spends his days happily strolling about in the wild and causing tourists to flee. Well, some tourists.

Florida is now reporting a massive increase in tourists visiting the area to see Humpback for themselves. Let me tell you something though, this isn’t a zoo. This isn’t a sanctuary that has Humpback in a fenced area. Humpback is roaming at random in the wildlife preserve. And now he’s got plenty of fresh meat for when the mood strikes him.

Mark my words, someone will get eaten and then the internet will stumble upon my blog to see for themselves why it happened. So I’ll leave them with this.

A cartoon green alligator with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows raised. The sarcastic caption above him reads "What were you thinking?!"

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10 replies on “Presidents, protesters, and the chaos of peace…

  1. Girllllll, YES! So on the same page with you on this subject. I did not know all those awesome facts of our beloved Starbucks so shankyouverymuch! A’ole!

    Thanks for the tip on Humpback. I’m good. I’ll keep my eyes out for Humpbacks when we go home to visit! xo #DreamTeam.

    Sidenote: Just cause i came back from the Commissary. The cashier started talking to me and something in me told her “I was pau”…then we looked at each other and knew. Haha. She’s older and her husband is retired so I was like “Aunty, why are you still HERE in this place” …Anyway, she was Kalihi born and raised so it was nice to meet another local.

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    1. I always find it awesome to meet people from Hawaii who have retired from the military and they just stayed. But Louisiana does seem like an odd place for her to just decide to stay. It’s got to be something like her husband is from that area or he got a really great job. We have decided to stay in Washington state after the Hubster retires in three years, but if they offer him a really fantastic job somewhere else then I guess we would have to consider it. We loved living in Pennsylvania, and we would definitely go back to Hawaii if they offered us enough paycheck to not have to live in a terrible house. Hubster is less decided on that plan of action because he knows I want to live somewhere out in Ewa Beach and he’ll be the one stuck commuting. And that rail still has a lot of years of work before it’s running! If only Hawaii were not so expensive, we’d still be there.


    1. I definitely had to add some giggle into the end of the post. I also find it sad when a peaceful protest breaks down like that because he does completely defeat the purpose and make people on the other side of the argument say “see, we’re right!” What I find interesting though is that the women’s march had so many more protesters and not one incidence of violence.


  2. You’re quite right. Violence and disruption undermine the message people are trying to make. But there are a minority of people out there who just enjoy an excuse for violence. I remember when we had the looting and riots a few years ago in London; so many people just used it as an excuse to smash things up!

    Also, you wouldn’t catch me going anywhere near the alligator. People are crazy for even getting out a vehicle… #DreamTeam

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought it was inevitable that troublemakers would come to any protest and end up spoiling it, but the day after this protest they had hundreds of thousands of marchers in the same spot for the women’s march. They had more than double the protesters of the previous day for the inauguration and yet not one incidence of violence. I hate to say it, but it appears the demographic make up may determine how violent a protest may become. And that’s a shame, because the message just gets drowned out when violence erupts.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I couldn’t agree more. It’s a disgrace and utterly criminal to damage your surroundings full stop. And no excuse because of a protest. Thank you for sharing with the #DreamTeam xx

    Liked by 1 person

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