Remember how I have a deep love for Amazon and its Prime membership that gives me free shipping on items already priced low? There’s a possibility that they have turned that love into a way to make me fat(ter).

Amazon Pantry.

Now I don’t even have to go to the grocery store and walk around. What little bit of exercise I had in my life just vanished. I mean, who wants to walk around a store and get all sleepy?!?!

Now, in all reality, I’m never giving up Costco. They feed me samples to keep my energy up, hand out drinks as I get to the back of the store and my mouth is parched from all those samples, and then offer me a delicious hot dog once I make the final push through the registers.

Now, back to Amazon. I love Sour Skittles and Darkside Skittles, but those little candies are elusive. I couldn’t find them at the grocery store, Costco was a bust, and I was getting desperate. So I traveled onto Amazon and hit the jackpot. There they were. Looking at me from my computer screen.

I ordered them all.

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Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much


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