This week ended with a fun search term. It caused neither shame or embarrassment, which is a great change from last week’s most popular term to get to my blog.

“What to do with five cheese tortellini from Costco”

That’s a good one, even if it’s simple. Eat them.

I guess if you bought them and realized after returning home that you loathe cheese and thought you picked out five pea tortellini you can use them as treats for your dog. Say, a cute brindle Bulldog who likes cheese?


Lick the cheese, lick the cheese, OMG it’s Taco Bell cheese!

Check out my Facebook page @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

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You can also find me on Instagram @ShankYouHeather and @ShankYouDesigns

Lola and I opened a store so we can sell our funniest blog sayings on cool stuff. Check it out at Shank You Very Much

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