Today I decided to look up the word Earth on Wikipedia. It was a huge mistake.

My head hurts, my eyes are watering, and I think I may have drooled out the words HELP ME as my hand fell off the mouse.

You see, while I love Wikipedia, I just have one problem. I can never turn the page off until I am done reading the sections of the topic I picked. I’m sure people would classify it as some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder, but I must read all the drop downs on an article before I feel good about leaving the page. And God help me if I click a blue link – which I almost always do.

It starts the cycle all over again.

So back to Earth. The first thing they told me is that it is the third planet from the Sun. DUH! We already knew that because it was the title of a TV show! I am brilliant compared to the guy who thought he had to write that statement on the Wikipedia site.

Then I made a rookie Wikipedian mistake. I clicked the blue word SUN and off we went!

It’s a roller coaster of a ride, but someone’s got to take it. Suffice it to say, you can spend hours reading about the Earth and all its related links. At the end of it, you will be blurry eyed and confused, confident in only one fact – we are the third planet from the Sun.

Which you already knew because of TV.

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